January 2021
"Let's begin by taking a smallish nap or two." - Winnie the Pooh
It is January 2021. It is the New Year. It is another uncertain year for many of us. Has any year had its certainties? I am grateful to be through 2020. It was a year that will be difficult to forget for a good many reasons for all of us.
I did not keep up with my monthly musings last year. It seemed that just when all looked to settle down, the next overwhelming event appeared. There were many transitions to get accustomed to and accept. It was also a year of reflection. I continue to reflect on the tragedies it held, the loss, the time spent in house and studio arrest, and the silence that seemed to envelop the earth. The global pausing of daily life gives one a sort of amazement; it has a sense of unreality to it. Time passed differently than what I was used to.
I have planned this coming year with certainty. It is about moving forward and being grateful for all I have in my life, including family, friends, galleries, and patrons. I am also grateful for all who are helping artists and creative individuals and organizations throughout these difficult times. A heartfelt thank you to you all.
Looking ahead, I will have an art show at InSight Gallery in Fredericksburg, Texas, this May with fellow artist Ann Kraft Walker. I am excited to have this two-person show with her. I am busy working on the 10 pieces I shall have available. My next show will be with Hanson Howard Gallery in September and October here in Ashland, Oregon. I am looking forward to participating with my dear friend Melinda Whipplesmith-Plank, who is an amazing woodblock artist, as well as Penelope Dews, a fantastic sculptor. I am back on schedule with my annual solo show at Meyer Gallery in December. They were kind enough to give me last year off. I deeply missed seeing the Meyer Gallery team in 2020 but it’s going to be great fun to gather later this year in Santa Fe. I am applying to a number of juried museum shows, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed to get accepted and perhaps get to visit with my artist friends and museum staff, COVID-travel-restrictions depending. I greatly missed traveling last year to these openings and viewing the art.
I will be back in the studio full time after a frustrating bout of adulting. I am looking forward to this as I have been away from the easel for several weeks. Please stay tuned… I hope to be posting some new work or sketches by February.
Thank you to all my galleries for hanging in there. It was definitely a tough year of reorganizing and reorienting through the pandemic. I am so grateful to all of you for all you do for everyone you represent.
In a final look back at 2020, I have one memory that brings me pure joy. I purchased a lovely kayak. Dear friends found it for me and are keeping it safe at their place. It is a Pygmy boat, about 20 years old, but in great condition. She’s just waiting for me to give her a new coat of varnish. I love that I’ll have this new mode of transportation and will get to meet other paddlers out there. Thinking about the adventures and the birding opportunities has me giddy. I’m very much looking forward to the potential for resource photos and research for future work. It will be great fun!
I would like to ask how this past year affected you and what reflections or insights you had. I’ve been wanting to have a dialogue with artists about what they’ve gained from the last year. I’ll post about this on my social media accounts and would love to exchange thoughts with you and have a conversation. Join in on Facebook or Instagram.